Friday, March 25, 2011


Another reason for why I'm down lately is I feel like I don't understand my blood sugar at ALL. Not even a little bit! I ate a little randomly around lunch time so I guessed at some boluses...I checked around 2 hours later and I was at 100 (much to my surprise). That being said, I had about 1 unit of insulin on board and I am leaving work in about an hour and planning on working out, so I decided to eat a couple of glucose tablets. I checked again 15 min later and my BG is 237. What! I don't get it? Why did it rise so much? The only thing I can think of is maybe my meter was off. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm not going to give a correction because it will probably drop a bit in the next hour and I DO want to work out so I don't mind if it's a little on the high side for now. Just not understanding right now...!


  1. What I'm realizing -- and maybe you already know this -- is that sometimes certain foods break down quite a bit later than anticipated. So, you'll go low before you go high again. Maybe that could be it?

  2. I thought about that, but it just seemed to happen a little too quickly for that. Also I don't think I ate anything with a high fat or protein content, so I'm not is possible though!

  3. One suggestion....if you get a BG that doesn't quite make sense, try washing your hands and retesting. My husband and I didnt believe it till we tried it and the readings can be very different.

  4. My son was 25 (omg yes, i know) at morning tea, so we skipped food and got him to play. All the while I was thinking I needed to correct him before lunch with at least 1-1.5u NR. Then, I retest and hes come down on his own in the space of a few minutes to 13.... go figure ! Sorry Im no help but I hear ya!

  5. I am confused right along with ya! My daughter eats the same breakfast every morning. You'd think her numbers would be pretty predictive. Nope... one day she'll run low at snack, the next high. I'm still scratching my head about it.

    Plus, pre-school tends to send her BG through the roof. No idea why, I can only guess it's because of the excitement?

    Stupid D!

  6. I am on FB and my email is me and we'll find a time to meet. I'm not sure of the date for the next CHAP d-art group but I would be happy to meet up sometime before that if you would like. Or as soon as I know the date I will pass it along to you. I hope you had a great time at the shower today.
